Customer Data Platform CDP2023-05-11T12:50:09+01:00

Optimizing Customer Experience with a Customer Data Platform

Which Customer Data Platform best supports your business?
Take advantage of independent CDP selection and implementation advice.

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There is a big difference in communication with existing customers on the one hand and potential customers on the other. Bringing in potential customers costs the most, but retaining existing customers also requires maximum attention. In your hunt for potential customers, you gain great benefits with a Data Management Platform. Read all about DMPs on this one page. Effective solutions are now also available for customer retention and increasing customer value. Think of big data applications and setting up a data warehouse. A Customer Data Platform or CDP is the place or hub where different solutions for generating, analyzing and applying customer come together.

The term Customer Data Platform is a universal name for various solutions that capture customer profiles. As soon as customers take action or make a purchase from your company, they get a place in this database. Subsequently, the information is enriched over time with relevant data from various sources. You use this customer data to get to know your customers better and to approach them with personalized content and offers and appropriate products or services.

There are now more than 200 different Customer Data Platform solutions available? And the offer is still growing. We are happy to provide more insight into the range and the differences. Our Customer Data Platform specialists are ready for personal advice.


What exactly is a CDP?

A CDP (Customer Data Platform) is similar in some respects to a DMP (data management platform). But where a DMP mainly collects anonymous data, a Customer Data Platform creates a complete profile of already existing individual customers. The platform makes use of all available data sources and techniques. Search behavior as well as customer service contact, purchase history and email conversations are brought together. The more information that can be collected, the better and, above all, more relevant the communication. Result: better bonding with customers, higher customer value, more conversion and – not unimportantly – more turnover.


How does a Customer Data Platform improve my sales performance?

In a Customer Data Platform you store all customer information that is known and that during the life cycle of the customer relationship can be added. This creates a versatile picture of customers, the so-called 360-degree customer profile. Based on this, you can divide customers into groups (segments) with corresponding basic characteristics. You can approach customer segments with personalized content. This can be done in real time, on the website, but also in the form of targeted mailings or online campaigns. For example, if a female customer buys baby clothes around the birth of a child, she indicates by her choice that it is a boy or girl. In subsequent stages of the customer journey, you can serve this customer with offers that match the stage and age of the child. Such relevant, personalized offers increase conversions and increase customer satisfaction. And this is just a simple example. The marketing possibilities with a well-designed CDP are endless.


The advantages of a Customer Data Platform are great. Simply put, a CDP is a must for any company with a customer-centric sales strategy. The more you know about your customers, the more sharply you can tailor communication and contact moments to their needs and preferences. And the more you sell at a lower CPS (cost per sale† A Customer Data Platform is not only important for online marketing and sales. Every company communicates with its customers, online or offline. A CDP is also a very welcome addition if you speak to your customers by phone, via call center campaigns, for example. Your sales or call agents have all customer data on their screen, linked to the telephone number. This saves time and offers opportunities and starting points for responding personally to customer wishes and questions. As soon as your Customer Data Platform is set up, you enter into a real dialogue with your customers. Result: increase in turnover due to marketing customization.


Choosing a Customer Data platform seems easy. Just google, approach the suppliers of the first two pages and ask for their demo. However, research shows that many platform choices do not turn out so well later on. Paying too much, too few functionalities, no development freedom, too complex or not the right integration options with other systems. Not to mention implementation partners…

Don't take any chances! We know almost all Customer Data solutions with their pros and cons. Decide for yourself what type of support is desired: from a nudge in the right direction to complete unburdening and guidance. We guarantee transparent and supplier-independent advice. We always recoup our costs for you.

Sparring with experts, without obligations!

3 minutes time and you will soon know more!

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  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

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