Product Data Analysis2023-03-01T14:44:32+01:00



Do you want to know which PIM solution is suitable for your company? Then fill in the questions below.

After completing the form, you will receive a short advice from us by email and you will know:

  • Which kind of solution is right for your company

  • Which functions are important for your industry

  • What a PIM system costs for your situation

PIM questions
What type of company is the PIM for?
How many products or SKUs do you want to manage?
Do you need a link with reference data?
Do you use data pools such as GS1, TecDoc, IceCat etc.?
Do legal obligations apply? (several possible)
How many languages / countries are used?
Which solution now manages Product Data?
In which channels is the Product Data needed? (several possible)
How many people work with Product Data?
How many changes in Product Data take place per day?
Who is responsible for the PIM?


Choosing a PIM system seems easy. Just google, approach the PIM suppliers on the first two pages, and request their demo. However, research shows that more than 80% of the PIM choices do not yield the most optimal results. Many companies pay too much for functionalities that they do not need or for too few functionalities. Systems are often too complex or do not integrate well with existing IT systems. With all the negative consequences that entails.

We know almost all PIM solutions. We know the specific advantages and disadvantages of the different systems and suppliers. Choose the service that suits your needs. From a nudge in the right direction to complete unburdening and guidance. We sign for clear and supplier-independent advice. We always recoup our costs for you. Guaranteed.

The latest trends in product data management.

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ecommerce result

Do you recognize this?

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

Call or email for honest advice

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