Distribution Strategy and Channel Conflicts2022-03-05T14:15:37+01:00

Distribution strategy and channel conflicts – focus on opportunities

Wholesale, retailers or brand manufacturer, Ecommerce The result creates clarity.
Also in issues concerning distribution strategy and channel conflicts.

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Distribution strategy and channel conflicts are current concerns in Ecommerce. Where are the opportunities, what are the risks? Consumer behavior is constantly changing. Customers think and act omnichannel† Companies that missed out often attributed this to the deteriorating economic situation and low consumer confidence. These factors certainly play a role in lower sales in specific distribution channels, but consumers always spend money. However, they are doing this in new ways and through new channels. See this challenge as an opportunity to innovate and strengthen your business.

A change in the distribution strategy is often the solution. But with change comes resistance. Channel conflicts with your current customers are lurking. Parties such as Amazon and Alibaba are getting bigger and bigger and your customers or resellers are making increasingly higher demands. How do you organize your distribution channels in a smarter way and turn the risks into new opportunities? What do you need? Adjustments in your IT systems? Smart data analysts? A Marketing Automation solution? Our omnichannel specialists provide practical support. Concrete, pragmatic and based on many years of experience in omnichannel distribution.


Are there growth opportunities for my company within my industry?

Consumers have embraced the (price) transparency of the internet and have become more critical. As a result, you see the average prices fall in many branches. Price fighters such as Primark, Action and Lidl benefit from this. Consumers are more likely to shop for bargains. In the supermarkets, this is reflected in the increased pressure to act and an almost permanent price war for the last percentage of market share. For A-brand manufacturers, this means, among other things, that they have to offer increasingly higher discounts in order to participate in the deep promotions. Many companies are investing heavily in the growth of private labels because of the higher margins and customer loyalty. Do these developments necessitate a change of course in your distribution strategy? Discuss the possibilities with the experts at Ecommerce Result.


Can my business benefit from shifts in the distribution column?

Now that almost everyone uses a smartphone, consumers decide how, where and when they buy. Because many traditional stores realize less turnover, wholesalers, brands and manufacturers are forced to adjust their distribution strategy. Wholesalers are increasingly also supplying end consumers with their B2B webshop, which can create friction with the current resellers. Brands and manufacturers are seeing their market shares fall as more and more companies introduce their own brands. Here too we see forward and backward integrations in the distribution column. Brands are increasingly opening their own web shops and brand stores in shopping centers. How do you deal with these shifts? How do you develop a distribution strategy that offers more value to existing customers and opens the way to new customers and markets? Our experts are ready to discuss new challenges and opportunities with you.


It is difficult for retailers who are affiliated with a franchise organization to understand that the franchisor will supply consumers directly via its own web shop. The same, of course, applies to wholesalers who sell their own products not only to resellers, but also directly to end users. More and more brand manufacturers, wholesalers and franchise organizations are communicating directly with end users. In many places, companies struggle with channel conflicts. Ecommerce Result has helped many companies develop a future-proof distribution strategy to minimize the possibility of channel conflicts.


No franchise organisation, wholesaler or manufacturer wants to argue with its customers. But that the distribution column continues to change is an irreversible reality. Ecommerce Result supports you with a clear and thorough analysis of your existing situation. We look at risks and threats, but especially at opportunities and solutions. Formulate a powerful distribution strategy together and fill in the conditions for a powerful execution? Experienced retail and distribution experts from EcommerceResult are at your service.

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Do you recognize this?

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

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