IT Second Opinion and Project Recovery2022-03-04T10:06:26+01:00

How do I know if my Ecommerce IT supplier delivers what it promises?

Ecommerce Result solves complicated Ecommerce IT issues for you.
We also have the required expertise in-house for an IT second opinion and project recovery.

sparring with experts, without obligations!


Do the choices made in the Ecommerce IT area fit our business case? Is our business strategy optimally supported by the IT Strategy? Is that crucial Ecommerce IT project well executed? Are the principles and required functionalities well described so that no mistakes are made? Is the project planning feasible and what are the risks involved? Why is the project budget being exceeded? Do you recognize one or more of these questions? And are there other questions that urgently need an answer? Time for an IT second opinion and project recovery process. This gives you insight, limits costs and helps you achieve business objectives.


How important is Ecommerce technology for achieving my goals?

Determining the right Ecommerce or omnichannel strategy is not easy. However, realizing that strategy is even more difficult. On paper and in presentations it all sounds feasible, but in practice it is often disappointing. Too often, IT and technology are put at the center and lost sight of that the organization itself must also change in order to successfully implement the strategy. The implementation projects themselves are often larger than expected because the scope is expanded during the project. They also often take longer, so that your business cannot move forward and the costs get out of hand. The feeling arises that the project is no longer under control. Something went wrong in the preparation, but you can't put your finger on it. Where exactly is the problem? What is the solution? Our experts in IT second opinion and project recovery put their finger on the sore spot.


How can I assess whether our projects are on the right track to achieve our Ecommerce goals?

Does your Ecommerce or omnichannel strategy still match your goals? Have the right choices been made in your Ecommerce IT strategy? Take action when in doubt. Our services in IT second opinion and project recovery offer a solution. Based on existing documentation and interviews with those involved, we quickly uncover whether your projects and the business aligned to be. Due to the many projects that we have reviewed, we immediately recognize all the pitfalls and bottlenecks. And we know how to prevent and remedy them. We also answer questions that you may not ask. This gives you a complete picture. With our analysis you know whether you can continue on the path you have taken and at which points changes are required to get the projects under control and to accelerate innovations.


A good project produces a good result. Within schedule and budget. Not all projects go well and especially with IT-related projects things often go wrong. If a project takes too long or costs more and more money, it is time to intervene. That is why Ecommerce Result offers IT second opinion and project recovery services. With project recovery, after a short, intensive analysis of your situation, we get to work to create stability and clarity. We check whether the objectives are clear and whether there is sufficient support within the organization. We bring internal and external parties together and provide solutions for both substantive issues (technical or business-related) and organizational issues (management, project management and process-related). Where necessary, we intervene or ensure that you can intervene yourself. We bring the project under control and provide support for its successful completion.

ecommerce result

Do you recognize this?

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

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