Ecommerce B2B2022-08-18T11:47:06+01:00

As a manufacturer, how do I get more revenue from Business-to-Business Ecommerce?

Ecommerce Result helps wholesalers, brands and manufacturers to set up or optimize Business-to-Business Ecommerce – processes, systems and organization.

Sparring directly with experts, without obligations!


Manufacturers see their role in the chain changing quickly. Customers are critical and make increasing demands on your services. Think of stock keeping, same day delivery, real-time product feeds with stock indication, and more. Of course you may also have engaged wholesalers. But if you do not sufficiently respond to the need for added value, customers will look for alternatives. Amazon and Alibaba are setting themselves up as an alternative distribution channel for companies that want to have their products distributed efficiently. But many companies also find new brands here with whom they work. As a manufacturer, should you also be on Amazon? But is the choice for a marketplace wise for the development of your brand identity? And what do existing customers think about such a switch? Do they remain loyal to your brand(s), or do they succumb to the temptation of competing products that are also visible on marketplaces? Is B2B Ecommerce a solution for your company?

Efficient distribution you can also organize yourself with smart B2B Ecommerce solutions. If you want to better serve your customers with your own B2B Ecommerce platform, getting advice is the first step. The technological possibilities are endless. But which solution suits which sector and business case? Let the Ecommerce specialists at Ecommerce Result advise you. We know all the possibilities. Moreover, we know the challenges associated with it. From strategy, via process optimization and IT infrastructure to logistics and channel conflicts, our specialists are ready.


What does a B2B webshop bring to my company?

There is more to setting up a Business-to-Business webshop than you think. Based on versatile practical knowledge, experts at Ecommerce Result help you separate the wheat from the chaff. What exactly do you want to achieve with your webshop and which functionalities do you want to achieve? What do customers think is important? What are the missing links in your current distribution formula? What makes your webshop different from all those other webshops? What are your unique selling points† Do you have international ambitions now that you are putting your own platform on the market? It's a lot of questions. Together we convert them into opportunities and solutions. With the aim: sustainable growth and a future-proof position in the chain.


How do I set up global Ecommerce business for my company?

Offline and online, as an entrepreneur you know better than anyone how important collaboration is. If you use advanced Ecommerce technology to link your B2B webshop to an international dealer portal, you facilitate worldwide growth for your business. This is possible because independent distributors in areas with less focus can buy directly and pay directly online, so that you do not run any debtor risk. This reliable distribution method ensures that you can expand your company's B2B activities in a relatively short time.


Uniform communication to end users supports your brand values. An integrated “marketing webshop” or “rich dealer portal” is therefore an important tool that is being used by more and more manufacturers for the distribution and communication of marketing materials. In addition, the same platform can also serve to offer enriched product content for online use by dealers / retailers in a structured manner, taking into account the agreements made with regard to assortment, prices, promotions, etc.

ecommerce result

Do you recognize this?

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

  • You miss the total picture of possible improvements in your Ecommerce & Marketing systems

  • You don't have enough people or knowledge available in your own organization

  • Software suppliers like to sell, but who do you believe?

  • You are looking for advice and people you can really trust

  • Your ROI on marketing campaigns drops

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