Choosing SAAS is saving on IT and investing in your business

Save up to 50 percent on you Ecommerce platform- and IT costs. How realistic is that? This is very realistic with the possibilities of a SAAS solution and cloud hosting. The money you save can be invested profitably. In targeted marketing campaigns, for example. Or in a better design of the customer journey and expansion of your range. This is also called optimization of the business case. An important step precedes: saying goodbye to your current “Old School” IT solution (s) and choosing SAAS platform.

The Ecommerce sector managed to develop in a short period of time into one of the most successful and fastest growing sectors in the world. What started hesitantly in the late 1990s with a handful of platforms, grew into big business. Everyone searches, buys and trades online. The threshold for launching a webshop is low. However, the challenge to keep it afloat and remain profitable is getting bigger and bigger. If you don't serve an ultra-specific niche, the competition is fierce.

The fact that the sector came to fruition so quickly is partly due to the facilitating role of the large, international software and IT companies. They all launched their own systems and promised stability and flexibility in one. This often had (and hangs) a hefty price tag. Not only for the purchase and licenses, but also for the servers you use, maintenance and security. And every functional extension or adjustment costs you a sweet penny without getting guarantees for future-proofing. Choosing SAAS is often the best solution.

Cruise ship or speedboat?

Inmiddels is Ecommerce in een nieuwe fase beland. Steeds meer webwinkeliers kiezen voor SAAS. Sterker nog: SAAS oplossingen en cloud hosting are increasingly essential for successful Ecommerce activities. It is therefore very worthwhile to release a critical analysis of the Ecommerce system that you are currently using.

Does your current platform meet your wishes and requirements? Do the costs outweigh the minimum capacity, functions and security you need? Can you switch quickly enough? Chances are that you are shocked by the costs and discover that you do not need all kinds of bells and whistles. Then this question is plausible: why do I serve my customers with a log cruise ship, when they are probably better off with a maximum manoeuvrable speedboat that grows according to my wishes in the future?

Less costs, more flexibility

Er bestaat een uitstekend alternatief: kiezen voor SAAS. Zoals veel bedrijven hun standaard IT-processen in toenemende mate geheel of gedeeltelijk naar de cloud migreren, ligt daar ook de toekomst van je Ecommerce platform. Bekende en minder bekende tech bedrijven bieden flexibele oplossingen. Het voordeel is: je betaalt alleen voor hetgeen je werkelijk gebruikt. Bovendien profiteer je automatisch van de laatste technologieën, zónder extra investeringen in je ‘eigen’ IT-infrastructuur. Dus: meer flexibiliteit én minder kosten.

Well-known examples are Azure from Microsoft and GCP from Google. With Azure and it Google Cloud Platform you get a scalable IT environment at any time. The infrastructure and the costs move along with the traffic on your application. You get access to innovative data solutions that help you better serve your customers. Amazon also scores high. It's not for nothing that this giant is called the 'king of cloud computing'. With Amazon Web Services, you have the option to accommodate your platform in the cloud in an affordable way, in a way that suits you. There are many options and providers. Of course we put them during a personal interview lined up for you.

Kiezen voor SAAS in de cloud betekent in essentie dat je je IT-infrastructuur, je platform en je software aan een gespecialiseerde partij uitbesteedt. Dit kan op verschillende niveaus. Het belangrijkste voordeel is de ongelimiteerde capaciteit. Hierdoor is de snelheid van je Ecommerce platform onder alle omstandigheden gegarandeerd. Ook tijdens piekuren. Dit is een enorm pluspunt, want snelheid is cruciaal voor de prestaties van je platform. Laat je klanten langer dan een paar seconden wachten, vanwege topdrukte, dan gaat je concurrent er met de omzet vandoor. Daarnaast is snelheid van je webshop een belangrijk criterium in de ranking bij zoekmachines als Google en Bing.

Advantages of choosing SAAS

Capacity and speed are not the only advantages. SAAS solutions also provide:

  • maximum global accessibility, including mobile;
  • automatic backups and security updates;
  • maximum scalability if accommodated in appropriate Cloud Hosting;
  • access to innovative functionalities;
  • continuous development of the solution;
  • affordability.

In addition to speed, affordability is indeed one of the greater benefits of choosing the SAAS. You do not have your own IT infrastructure, you do not have to invest in upgrades and you no longer spend money on your IT service provider. You only pay for the capacity and functionalities that you actually use. Saving up to 50 percent in costs is the rule rather than the exception. Investing that money in additional marketing efforts ensures the well-known “flying wheel” and significant business case improvement.