Google Penguin 4.0 algorithm is now real-time

Google Penguin 4 is the latest Google algorithm adaptation that has been rolled out worldwide as an update from September 23, 2016. The most important change is that there is now a real-time algorithm. Penguin was introduced in 2012 and previously it was the case that regular updates took place. After an update, there was always a shift in the search results because all websites were assessed. Such an abrupt adjustment now no longer occurs with the change to real-time changes. However, there is another important change. Google Penguin 4 offers the possibility to assess separate parts of a website. This instead of assessing a complete website.


Google Penguin 4

The new Google Penguin 4 algorithm aims to assess the quality of links between websites. If that is against the guidelines, a devaluation can take place. In this way, “over-optimization” and web spam is prevented. According to Google, there are various aspects of web spam. This also includes keyword stuffing, cloaking and the automatic generation of content. In the area of SEO optimization there are many tools to rank well in Google search results. Relevant links to and from other websites, but also qualitative content is essential for good findability in the Google search results.

Content Marketing as a powerful tool

With Content Marketing, there is still a lot to be gained in terms of organic findability in the Google search results for companies. A company that is found organically well in the search engine attracts more customers. If the content on a website is arranged correctly, this offers a higher chance of conversion. Visitor then becomes a customer. Content Marketing is also a broad concept. It is not only about text, but also about videos and images. Moreover, the text can again cover many aspects. For example on news, but also with regard to depth by providing background information. In addition to content, you can also think of infographics, reviews, blogs and E-books.

Google values a website with a wealth and diversity of content. These days, it is all about presenting visitors with quality content. As a result, your website's ranking will be higher in Google's search results. Just like qualitative links are valued based on Google Penguin 4. For proper application of Content Marketing, tools are indispensable. A good CMS system is necessary so that editors can easily publish their content on the website. In terms of Ecommerce is a PIM system an important tool for optimizing content. The basis therefore starts with choosing the right means to arrive at an ideal strategy in the field of Content Marketing.