Investing in PIM? Independent advice always pays for itself!

Thorough and detailed product information strengthens your competitive position and improves your conversion rate. As your product range increases, you will have to interpret it more and more professionally Product Information Management (PIM). But investing in PIM raises questions. What are the advantages? How do you choose a tailor-made system? You can download our PIM whitepaper for free at

Investing in PIM? Let yourself be updated and advised

Investing in PIM is no small matter. It is a substantial expenditure. So the management system you choose should be perfectly aligned with your Ecommerce activities and last a long time. That means: evolve effortlessly and at no extra cost with assortment expansions and the further development of your Omni-Channel strategy. It is better to invest in PIM in one go. Then you get the maximum in return.

Why can't you ignore PIM if you want to play a successful role in the world of Ecommerce? Because detailed, consistent and relevant product information is increasingly important in the customer journey. Product information, in the form of an accurate description, supplemented with specifications, usage data, instructional videos and reviews, is a serious sales driver. If the consumer does not find adequate product data with you, you will lose customers to the competitor who does have things done. Without PIM, sales and revenue opportunities remain untapped. PIM attracts new customers and binds existing customers. PIM is not only important for B2C companies, but also for B2B!

Choose your PIM momentum, but don't wait any longer than absolutely necessary

Every entrepreneur has his own moment to invest in PIM. This is often the enlargement and broadening of the product range. Omni-Channel ambitions can also be a reason. One if you run large volumes with many product mutations, PIM is an unmissable must. As soon as you notice that collecting, creating, updating and uploading product information will take a disproportionate amount of time and effort and become error-prone, that is the signal to start the adventure seriously.

Because it is an adventure, the selection process that precedes the purchase and implementation. There are many systems on the market and the range is still growing. It is no easy task to determine without in-depth knowledge which system in which price category best suits your wishes and growth ambitions. Relying on a personal demonstration from the supplier is risky, because every supplier has short and long-term interests in the sale of his system. You not only pay for the license and implementation, but also year after year for updates and maintenance.

Download our free, practice-based PIM whitepaper

Ecommerce Result has been advising and guiding small and large Ecommerce companies for many years with the choice and implementation of PIM systems. We know the market, we know the providers, we know what discounts are feasible. We know the key conditions for effective implementation and hold our own in contract negotiations and progress monitoring. We are committed to getting the best out of the market for our customers. Investing in PIM starts with independent and expert advice. And believe me, that advice pays for itself!

What exactly is and does PIM do? Who are the providers? What profit do you make after a successful implementation? What kind of investment should you globally count on, reasoning from your current and future Ecommerce activities? Which foot angles and clamps do you encounter? Answers to these and other questions, taken from practice, can be found in our special Ecommerce Result PIM Paper. You too can download this must-have for free from