Keurmerk Thuiswinkel Business for B2B Ecommerce has the new quality mark Thuiswinkel Business launched. The quality mark is aimed at B2B ecommerce† Companies in this sector are given the opportunity to obtain a certificate from The Thuiswinkel Zakelijk quality mark focuses mainly on the laws and regulations in the business market.

Companies that carry the label have the advantage of being able to offer security to online shops. This includes aspects such as safety and reliability in terms of B2B Ecommerce. The introduction of the hallmark is partly based on the blurring of the line between B2C and B2B Ecommerce. For instance, it appears that a quarter of's consumer-facing members already sell directly to businesses. Conversely, the B2B sector is also taking steps towards consumers.

Thuiswinkel Business security

Companies value security when doing business. Extra security is offered with the Thuiswinkel Zakelijk quality mark. Companies that have been awarded the certificate distinguish themselves by offering extra security. There are eight securities in total: 1. The company exists, 2. Dutch law applies, 3. Clear offer, 4. Clear order process, 5. Transparent prices, 6. Secure payment environment, 7. Careful handling of personal data and 8. Complaints handling and disputes before a judge.

In the business sector, too, value is attached to safe and reliable companies that can do business with. In the B2B industry there are usually large amounts. In that context, extra value is attached to safety, reliability and security.

Make the difference

It is important to make a difference in the B2B Ecommerce industry as a company. The Thuiswinkel Zakelijk quality mark is an aspect with which your company can distinguish itself. However, there are many more aspects of being unique. Expanding your business can take many forms. For example, by ensuring that there is no debtor risk. This also applies to the application of uniform communication. This is an important tool that, like the Thuiswinkel business mark, creates business confidence with the end user. In addition, your company's brand values are given extra support. The success you can achieve is greatest when your company differentiates in several aspects.

Solution for your business

The ideal B2B Ecommerce solution is different for every company. Make a good plan and then make the right choices for your business case with regard to pricing, platform, storefront, (self-service) organization, fullfillment, etc. This allows you to distinguish and be ahead of your competitors.