Expert and affordable Ecommerce IT advice for SMEs

High-end knowledge through years of experience in Ecommerce and a simple, pragmatic approach. This is how we make Ecommerce IT advice feasible and affordable. Also for SMEs.

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SME ecommerce IT advice
Large companies have large budgets for IT and marketing. This threatens to widen the distance between small and large companies. In our opinion, that is not good for the competitive field, service and product development. That is why, based on our knowledge of and experience with hundreds of projects, we have developed a number of SMEs Ecommerce IT advice lines have been developed that are identical in content to our corporate services. So the same content, but bundled in flexible and accessible SME service modules. This enables us to serve smaller companies in a fast, efficient and pragmatic manner, at considerably lower costs. We offer five lines of advice:  Webshops & Dealerportals, Online Marketplaces, Product Information Systems,  Marketing Systems and IT Strategy.

Webshops & dealer portals

Which affordable webshop solution best suits my SME?
Webshop and dealer portal solutions are usually expensive as soon as they deviate from the standard. Fortunately, there are many 'hidden' possibilities that our specialists know thanks to their years of experience. Whether it concerns B2C, B2B or D2C, we know which solutions will help your company move forward in an accessible and affordable way. A smart solution does not necessarily have to be expensive. Much more important is that you choose the right solution, suitable for your goals and compatible with your systems. Trust our SME Ecommerce-IT advice


How do I achieve maximum sales results through online marketplaces with minimal effort?
An ever-growing number of companies are achieving international sales successes on online marketplaces such as Amazon, BOL, La Redoute, Ebay and Cdiscount. To remain successful, simply supplying product data is no longer sufficient. The marketplaces are making increasing demands on the quality of product information, prices, stocks, and more. Linking data from accounting, ERP or WMS is virtually impossible. It is also expensive and you have no flexibility. While success actually depends on factors such as speed and pricing. Intelligent marketplace solutions offer a solution. But which solution best suits your business? What are the differences? Here too, the most expensive solutions are not necessarily the best. Let us advise you. At Ecommerce we know the market and the offer. Go for certainty with our SME Ecommerce-IT advice.

Product infosystems

Is a PIM solution feasible for my company and business case?

Product Information Management Systems ( PIM ) are a must in managing, updating, enriching and sharing product content. After all, for the optimal customer journey it is essential that the presentation of product information is uniform in all channels that you use: your own webshop, the webshop of resellers if you fulfill a wholesale function, in online catalogs and on marketplaces. Working with limited information from your ERP system or via Excel causes a lot of delay and chance of errors. To solve this problem, a PIM system is necessary. But here too the price differences and options differ extremely. Which affordable solution best supports your specific business? We show you the way through the jungle. With expert and independent SME Ecommerce-IT advice.


Is there a Marketing Automation solution that allows us to communicate more efficiently with our customers?
Marketing Automation is a collective term for automated digital processes that generate and organize communication actions in a relevant way on the basis of customer data. The term Marketing Automation covers many different tools, including CRM, Customer Data Platforms, Data Management Platforms and Online Personalization solutions. Tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon have been working on huge customer data systems since the beginning of this century. In order to achieve more turnover and return from your own customer data and the online behavior in your webshop at relatively low costs, the use of Marketing Automation is essential. But where do you start? What is affordable and what does it mainly yield? We show you the way!

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IT strategy

Is an IT strategy only for large companies? Certainly not! It also applies to SMEs that you will quickly be overtaken by the competition if you do not keep up with technology. Recognizable? Probably. So time for action. But where do you start and how do you ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs and not the other way around? In recent years, many smart solutions have come onto the market that solve complex IT issues and keep costs realistic and manageable. But you have to know the way. How do you ensure that IT and technology optimally support your business goals? How does IT add value, speed, stability and scalability to your processes? We map out the strengths and weaknesses of your existing IT systems and link them to comprehensible and actionable advice. Because IT should not frustrate ambitions, but should facilitate innovation and growth.
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Lack of Knowledge

It can be frustrating when your team doesn't have the right expertise. Meanwhile, software vendors want to sell you all sorts of things, but are you making the right choice?

Lack of Insights

You are looking for reliable advice from specialists, but you notice that your ROI on marketing campaigns is decreasing. In addition, you are missing crucial insights to turn this around.

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Imagine having a reliable partner to help you with projects and take your organization to the next level. We are here for you with strategic advice and reliable support.

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