More control over product data with a PIM system

We know almost all PIM systems and can help you with advice, specifications and selection.

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Pproduct Information Mmanagement

In Ecommerce, both in B2B and B2C, the correct presentation of your products or services is an important competitive factor. But how do you ensure correct and complete product data? And how do you monitor the quality of your catalog if it contains many products? Traditional ERP systems are not equipped for this. In order to be able to properly provide your omnichannel distribution (web shop and customers) with the right product content, a Product Information Management (PIM) system essential. With more than fifteen years of experience in PIM systems, we are the PIM experts in the Benelux. With our Product Information Management pages and free PIM whitepaper we inform you extensively about the advantages of Product Information Management systems. Do you have questions? We are happy to assist you.

Why do I have a Need a PIM system?

Do you recognize one or more of the following situations within your company?
Then take action and get advice about a PIM system.

PIM advantages

What does a PIM System benefit my company?
Spend less time
Fewer returns
Increased conversion
Better cooperation

Which pim system suits me?

There are more than 250 different PIM solutions worldwide, of which about 100 are readily available in Europe. Prices of PIM systems vary roughly from €25,000 to more than €1 million. The best-known major software players in the field of Product Information Management systems are Stibo, Perfion, ContentServ, Riversand and inRiver. But what is a good PIM solution for one organization or industry, is not necessarily the same for another. There are major differences in systems for retailers, wholesalers and brands. That makes choosing difficult.
Can a PIM system be used in my organization at all?1

Together we map out the wishes and requirements. We test these for costs and possibilities. Based on this, we make an inventory of which system optimally matches your existing processes and systems. A good advice this is valuable. Because the better the solution fits, the lower the purchase costs and operational costs and the greater your profit in quality and efficiency.

Independent PIM advice

Choosing a PIM system seems easy. Just google, approach the PIM suppliers on the first two pages, and request their demo. However, research shows that more than 80% of the PIM choices do not yield the most optimal results. Many companies pay too much for functionalities that they do not need or for too few functionalities. Systems are often too complex or do not integrate well with existing IT systems. With all the negative consequences that entails.

We know almost all PIM solutions. We know the specific advantages and disadvantages of the different systems and suppliers. Choose the service that suits your needs. From a nudge in the right direction to complete unburdening and guidance. We sign for clear and supplier-independent advice. We always recoup our costs for you. Guaranteed.

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Do you recognize this?

Lack of Knowledge

It can be frustrating when your team doesn't have the right expertise. Meanwhile, software vendors want to sell you all sorts of things, but are you making the right choice?

Lack of Insights

You are looking for reliable advice from specialists, but you notice that your ROI on marketing campaigns is decreasing. In addition, you are missing crucial insights to turn this around.

Need a Reliable Advisor

Imagine having a reliable partner to help you with projects and take your organization to the next level. We are here for you with strategic advice and reliable support.

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