Which PIM system differences should I pay attention to when selecting?

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PIM system differences

During your inventory and selection you will have to deal with large numbers of PIM system differences. After all, worldwide there are about 250 different PIM Systems available. More than 100 of these solutions are readily available in Europe. The large number indicates how many individual wishes there are for this one "middleware" solution. Ecommerce Result has been specialized in PIM systems for more than ten years. So we know the relevant PIM system differences. We continuously monitor the developments of existing systems and look closely at new solutions. We have now supervised or analyzed more than 400 implementations. With this practical experience we are able to map out the most important PIM system differences for you. We are talking about critical differences such as quality, functionalities, delivery and implementation models and service. We know the license structure, prices and operational costs of all solutions.

Invest in a (new) PIM system? Benefit from our expertise during your preliminary research and selection. We map out properties and differences for you and advise on the new opportunities that arise with the application of a future proof PIM system is going to use. Because the new generation of Product Information Management software does significantly more than manage and maintain product content.

Why PIM system? differences?

What differences are there in PIM Systems and what is important for my company?
Because PIM systems are the answer to efficient Product Information Management, there has been a proliferation of PIM systems internationally. In addition to ERP systems, PIM systems have become the most important part of an omnichannel Ecommerce/IT architecture. This “middleware” solution has grown into the heart of departments and teams responsible for (online) sales, product management and marketing. But due to the multitude of applications, it is difficult to find a PIM system that exactly matches the expectations of the organization. Because the PIM system differences are countless. We map them out for you in a targeted manner to arrive at the ideal match.

Four main groups PIM systems:

For management, enrichment and distribution of product information. Solutions for simple content to complex data structures.
Additional features such as DAM ( Digital Asset Management ), automated marketing processes such as leaflet or brochure layout in house style.

In addition to marketing functions, these types of systems provide integrated solutions for B2B portals, promotion management, marketplace connections, and more.

Hybrid systems combine several specific functions in one solution. Usually the best choice, but difficult to find the right solution.

More differences

In addition to the different types of systems, there are also many differences per type in various areas. During a PIM System analysis we look at the needs of today, but also at the growth of your company in the coming years. Things that are important then:

PIM categories

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Independent PIM advice

Choosing a PIM system seems easy. Just google, approach the PIM suppliers on the first two pages, and request their demo. However, research shows that more than 80% of the PIM choices do not yield the most optimal results. Many companies pay too much for functionalities that they do not need or for too few functionalities. Systems are often too complex or do not integrate well with existing IT systems. With all the negative consequences that entails.

We know almost all PIM solutions. We know the specific advantages and disadvantages of the different systems and suppliers. Choose the service that suits your needs. From a nudge in the right direction to complete unburdening and guidance. We sign for clear and supplier-independent advice. We always recoup our costs for you. Guaranteed.

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