Is my current IT suitable for international Ecommerce?

Independent Ecommerce IT advice for wholesalers, retailers and brands. Strategy, specifications, selection and a fast implementation.

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Ecommerce IT architecture

Many organizations have complex over the years architecture of IT systems built up. Systems for all kinds of functions are often replaced several times. New systems are usually linked to old systems with new technology. With a vulnerable whole as a common result. The interfaces are often rickety, which with today's transaction volumes leads to systems that are no longer 'in sync'. This leads to various practical problems in day-to-day business operations. This increases costs and threatens loss of customers. In an international omnichannel Ecommerce environment this often plays an even greater role, because there are usually links with various partners and suppliers. There is a real risk that incorrect data will be linked to (international) webshops and external parties. This has a major impact on your performance and appearance. The right Ecommerce IT architecture is therefore essential for future international growth and improving your return.

Angles of approach

Which choices should I make for a flexible IT architecture?
Ecommerce IT architecture has many faces. Suppliers and IT professionals often tend to make it unnecessarily complicated. At Ecommerce Result we advocate a pragmatic approach, where we primarily focus on the enterprise application architecture. With the most important question: which applications are essential for the e-commerce/omnichannel process and how are these optimally linked to other applications and integrated into the technical architecture? In other words: which choices do you need to make to make your servers and network function optimally. That is what we focus on. In order to then present and implement the best solution.


Which problems do I solve with a smart IT architecture?

The Ecommerce IT architecture is almost always made too complex. Even the best ecommerce players in the market have to deal with:

These technical problems affect business operations in several ways:

Agile IT architecture

A chosen Ecommerce IT architecture should never slow down the implementation and innovation of your ecommerce/omnichannel strategy. On the contrary, technology must optimally support the processes and accelerate innovations. Business agility requires an agile Ecommerce IT architecture in an ecommerce/omnichannel organization. This is an architecture that is optimally adapted to change. You achieve this by making clear choices in technology standards and applications and translating these into an architectural vision. This vision serves as a guideline for future developments and usually immediately provides a few project starting points to quickly and efficiently remove the most important bottlenecks.

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Screening & advice

Drawing up a Ecommerce IT architecture vision is only possible if all Ecommerce specific tools have been identified. In addition to Enterprise applications, there are many different options for Ecommerce applications. The offer is so large and the options are so diverse that no CTO can fully keep up with developments. Our consultants follow developments closely and know exactly what is possible. Based on their total overview and expertise, they offer support in screening and testing your existing IT architecture and formulating a new Ecommerce IT architecture vision. We are also happy to assist you with the selection of new tools and implementation of adjustments.
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