How do I optimally use omnichannel Ecommerce for my wholesale?

Ecommerce Result helps to renew, broaden and strengthen wholesale channels. Professional support for omnichannel Ecommerce projects. From strategy to implementation.
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Ecommerce for wholesalers
For many wholesale companies, the Ecommerce practice mainly consists of linking the order systems of buyers. Too bad, because Ecommerce can bring your company so much more. Ecommerce with an 'open' catalogue can generate significant additional turnover for more than 80% of all existing wholesale channels. In addition EDI, an order dashboard with change options is a welcome addition for your customers. Because the better you serve your customers, the more loyalty you get in return. Wholesalers who are looking for new products and sales channels can also benefit from the smart possibilities that Ecommerce offers. By improving your online presence with a catalogue, not only new customers can find you better, but also new suppliers. And why should an employee of a customer, for example, have to order in a 'spartan' portal? The possibilities of B2B Ecommerce are endless. Ecommerce Result helps you optimize your distribution strategy, and choosing and setting up your Ecommerce systems.


How effective and future-proof is my current strategy?
Ecommerce for wholesalers goes much further than linking systems. After all, the wholesale sector is increasingly confronted with international platforms such as Amazon and Alibaba. These platforms are not only active in the field of B2C, but are also playing an increasingly important role in global B2B distribution. Wholesalers who do not adapt their strategy to the zeitgeist in a timely and drastic manner lose market share. Ecommerce Result has a lot of experience in advising and successfully supporting wholesale companies. Our unique approach provides new perspectives and growth opportunities.

New distribution column?

Do Amazon and AliBaba pose a threat or should I work together?
The overwhelming success of new 'distributors' such as Amazon and Alibaba seems to be turning traditional distribution models upside down. The familiar column from manufacturer via distributor to resellers and customers is under pressure. More and more resellers are questioning the added value of the wholesale channel. Resellers are increasingly looking for cheaper suppliers or better service concepts. A customized distribution strategy helps you to bind customers to your formula and services. And our experts help you formulate and implement these important changes.

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Out of the box thinking

Thinking in standard models is sometimes useful, but usually leads to a blockage of innovation. Today's wholesalers are reinventing themselves. Not only providing better order facilities to existing customers, but also combining new purchasing and sales channels is a proven method that results in increased market share, cross-border activities, and customer satisfaction. Ecommerce Result is an expert in developing new distribution models. From strategy via IT and logistics solutions to a completely new collaboration with existing and especially new customers. No combination is too crazy. With our approach you create new opportunities and future sustainable turnover.
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